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. 2020 Sep 4;104:101652. doi: 10.1016/j.ijer.2020.101652
S1 I have a good idea. The good idea is that there is a prom; that means there is a scene for a wedding, that means, a scene for a wedding. 1
S3 There is a prom. 2
S3 [unintelligible] It’s not good to have a scene for a wedding. 3
S2 We need it. 4
S4 That’s very important. That’s a very important thing. 5
S3 It’s not good to have a scene for a wedding. 6
S1 We need to include all of those in our play. 7
S3 It’s not good to have a scene for a wedding. 8
S2 Well, a scene for a wedding. 9
S1 But the plot can be like this, generally like this, you and I get married there, then, at the prince’s house, then at the prince’s house, perhaps at that place. 10
S3 What? Isn’t it too fast? 11
S1 A very small house, a very small one. 12
S3 Isn’t it too fast for them to get married? They haven’t known each other long. 13
S1 No. 14
S2 Why is the prince’s house so small? 15
S1 It is located downtown. 16
S3 But they get married too quickly. 17
S1 Before they get married, the prince expresses his love to Cinderella, after that they go downtown and express their love to each other, after that they go to prince’s home. 18
S2 Good point. 19
S3 Why is there a scene for a wedding? They don’t even know each other. 20
S1 They know each other downtown. 21
S2 Do they get married as soon as they know each other? 22
S1 They need to express their love first. 23
S3 Express love. 24
S1 Yes, express love. 25
S2 Expressing love means giving a love letter. 26