Fig. 1.
Generation and characterization of VSV-MERS-CoV-S pseudoparticles. (a) IFA analysis of the expression of MERS-CoV-S protein. HEK-293T cells were transiently transfected with pCAGGS-MERS-CoV-S plasmid DNA or mock transfected. The expression of MERS-CoV-S was detected by convalescent sera from a MERS-CoV patient with a known neutralizing titre against live virus as a positive control (MERS immune sera). (b, c) Titration of VSV-based pseudoparticles on Vero cells (b) and (c) BHK-21 cells. VSV pseudotyped with MERS-S (VSV-MERS-S) or negative control pCAGGS empty vector containing no glycoprotein (VSV-EV) was used to infect Vero cells. The results are expressed as the average relative luciferase units (RLU) ±standard deviation (sd). The error bars indicate the sd.