Figure 2.
Antenatal hypoxia exacerbated cognitive impairment in 5xFAD offspring. Spontaneous Y-maze test (sp-Y, A,B) and novel object recognition (NOR, C,D) were conducted at 2 and 4 months. (A) Schematic of the sp-Y test. (B) Spontaneous alternation of 5xFAD offspring exposed to antenatal hypoxia or normoxia. (C) Schematic of the NOR test. (D) Discrimination index (DI) of 5xFAD offspring exposed to antenatal hypoxia or normoxia. Open field test (OF, E–H) was performed at 4 months. (E) Schematic of the OF test and movement tracks from normoxia- or hypoxia-treated 5xFAD offspring. The red square separates inner zone (center) and outer zone. (F) Distance in center, (G) time in center, and (H) entries in center of offspring exposed to antenatal hypoxia or normoxia. Data are mean ± SEM. Student’s t-test was applied to each data set. *p < 0.05. Sp-Y test at 2 months: Norm, n = 15; Hy, n = 12. Sp-Y test at 4 months: Norm, n = 15; Hy, n = 7. NOR at 2 months: n = 11. NOR at 4 months: Norm, n = 12; Hy, n = 8. OF: Norm, n = 12, Hy, n = 8.