Table 1.
ATP | ESI | Description |
Red | 1 | Requires immediate life-saving interventions |
Red | 2 | High-risk situation or confused/lethargic/disoriented or severe pain/distress or danger-zone vitals |
Yellow | 3 | Needing “many” resources but nondanger zone vital signs |
Yellow | 4 | Needing only one resource |
Green | 5 | No resource needed |
ATP | CTAS | Description |
Red | I | Resuscitation |
Red | II | Emergent |
Red | III | Urgent |
Yellow | IV | Less urgent |
Green | V | Nonurgent |
ATP | MTS | Description |
Red | 1 | Immediate |
Red | 2 | Very urgent |
Yellow | 3 | Urgent |
Green | 4 | Standard |
Green | 5 | Nonurgent |
ATP | ATS | Description |
Red | 1 | Immediately life-threatening |
Red | 2 | Imminent life-threatening or time-critical condition |
Red | 3 | Potentially life-threatening or situational urgency |
Yellow | 4 | Potentially serious |
Green | 5 | Less urgent |
Color coding in ATP column denotes color codes of All India Institute of Medical Sciences Triage Protocol. Color codes in the rest two columns denote the color codes being used by respective triage protocols. ATP: All India Institute of Medical Science Triage Protocol, ESI: Emergency Severity Index, CTAS: Canadian Triage and Acuity Scale, MTS: Manchester Triage System, ATS: Australasian Triage Scale