LiSN-S score | Calculation method | Description and type of assessment |
Low-cue SRT | The score of Test Condition 4. | The competing speech comes from the same direction (i.e., from the front) and has the same voices as the target speech. Assesses SiN ability when pitch and spatial cues are eliminated. |
High-cue SRT | The score of Test Condition 1. | The competing speech is spatially separated and has different voices from the target speech. Assesses the ability to understand speech when both spatial cues and talker characteristics are available to help segregate the target. |
Talker advantage | The difference between the scores of Test Conditions 3 and 4. | Assesses the ability of the child to use differences in talker characteristics to help segregate the target. |
Spatial advantage | The difference between the scores of Test Conditions 2 and 4. | Assesses the advantage the child receives when distracting voices are moved from the front (same source as the target speech) to the side (different source from the target speech). |
Total advantage | The difference between the scores of Test Conditions 1 and 4. | Assesses the same abilities as the High-cue SRT condition (i.e., ability to use spatial and pitch cues to focus on the target speech). |
LiSN-S, Listening in Spatialised Noise – Sentences; SiN, Speech-in-Noise; SRT, Speech Reception Threshold.