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. 2020 Aug 31;53(8):393–399. doi: 10.5483/BMBRep.2020.53.8.130

Table 1.

Summary of scRNA-seq techniques

Techniques Single cell isolation techniques Capture Platforms cDNA ampl. Strand specific Multi-plexing UMI (bp) Features Year /(Refs)
Full-length transcript
Tang method Manual PCR tubes PCR X X Splice variant detection 2009 (4)
SMART-seq FACS Plate based PCR X X Template switching reaction 2012 (7)
SMART-seq2 FACS Plate based PCR X X Improved yield, coverage and accruacy 2013 (22)
Quartz-seq FACS Plate based PCR X X Single PCR tube reaction without any purification 2013 (8)
MATQ-seq FACS Plate based PCR O O Whole gene body coverage 2017 (20)
5' End transcript
STRT FACS Plate based PCR O X Highly multiplexed, TSS detection 2012 (17)
STRT-seq-2i Limiting dilution or FACS Microarray platform custom capture plates PCR O O 6 Imaging checkpoint available 2017 (26)
WaferGen Multi-sample nanodispenser (MSND) Nanowell based (ICELL8) PCR O O 10 Imaging software to identify nanowells 2017 (29)
3‘ End transcript
CEL-seq FACS Plate based IVT O X First to use linear RNA amplification 2012 (22)
MARS-seq Microfluidic, FACS Plate based IVT O O 4 Introduced automated massively 2014 (23)
CytoSeq Recursive Poision loading Nanowell PCR O O 8 First to present scalable mRNA cytometry 2015 (34)
Drop-seq Double poisson loading, Microfluidic channel Droplet based PCR O O 8 Coencapsulation of single cells 2015 (29)
InDrop Super Poisson loading Droplet based IVT O O 6 Cells are captured and barcoded 2015 (27)
CEL-seq2 Manual, Microfluidic, FACS, C1 Microfluidic chip IVT O O 6 Implemented the UMI 2016 (24)
DroNC-seq Poisson loading Droplet based PCR O O 8 High throughput 2017 (32)
Chromium 10x Super Poisson loading Droplet based (Single Cell A Chip) PCR O O 10 High throughput, process up 2017 (33)
SPLiT-seq No partitioning into compartments Plate based PCR O O Can sequence fixed cells or nuclei 2018 (36)
Quartz-seq2 FACS Plate based PCR O O 8 Major improvement of Poly(A)tagging 2018 (30)
MARS-seq2 FACS Plate based IVT O O 8 Integrated pipelines for index sorting 2019 (35)