Fig 1. Differences in perceptions and social distancing practice by education level.
Data coming from “Understanding America Study” (UAS) collected between March 10 and March 16, 2020. The plots show the marginal effects of an increase in age (1 year) on a) the chances of getting the virus within three months (top left), b) the chances of dying from the virus if infected (top right), c) excess mortality (middle left), d) whether individuals refrain from at least one social activity (middle right), e) the chances of running out of money because of the virus within three months (bottom left) and f) the chances of losing job within three months (bottom right), Effects for those with a Bachelor’s degree and above are represented by red lines and by blue ones for others. Marginal effects for individuals aged between 25 and 80 are the results of weighted regressions that include quartic polynomial in age. Shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals (robust standard errors).