PRE_proc_2 |
Origin (patient's home) |
1—Ignored |
2—Pará |
3—São Paulo—state |
4—São Paulo—capital |
5—Espírito Santo |
6—Goiás |
7—Minas Gerais |
8—Rio Grande do Norte |
9—Tocantins |
10—Paraná |
11—Bahia |
12—Roraima |
13—Brasília |
14—Mato Grosso do Sul |
15—Pernambuco |
16—Paraíba |
17—Ceará |
18—Santa Catarina |
19—Amazonas |
20—Piauí |
21—Mato Grosso |
22—Rio de Janeiro |
23—Maranhão |
24—Rio Grande do Sul |
25—Amapá |
26—Alagoas |
27—Rondônia |
28—Acre |
PRE_prov_3 |
Provider |
1 = SUS |
2 = Particular |
3 = Health insurance |
4 = Ignored |
PRE_sexo_4 |
Sex |
1—Male |
2—Female |
PRE_prenat_5 |
Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease in Prenatal Care |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_premat_6 |
Prematurity |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_maediab_7 |
Son of a Diabetic Mother |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_cirpre_8 |
Previous Surgery |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_intpre_9 |
Number of Hospitalizations |
1 to 12 |
PRE_ncirpre_10 |
Number of Previous Sugeries |
1 to 7 |
PRE_sindcrom_11 |
Non-Cardiac Abnormality—Chromossomal Sydrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_down_12 |
Down's Sydrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_digeorge_13 |
DiGerorge Syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_turnner_14 |
Turner Syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_willians_15 |
Williams Syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_edwards_16 |
Edwards Syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Noonan_17 |
Noonan Syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_outcrom_18 |
Other Syndromes |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_anoanat_19 |
Non-cardiac Abnormality—Malformations |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_atresiaesofag_20 |
Esophageal Atresia |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_anusimperf_21 |
Imperforated Anus |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Fistraqueo_22 |
Tracheoseophageal Fistula |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_herniadiaf_23 |
Diaphragmatic Hernia |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_onfalocele_24 |
Omphalocele |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_fendaPalat_25 |
Cleft Palate |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Outanoanat_26 |
Other Anomalies |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_ht_preop_adm1_27 |
Pre-operative Hematocrit |
1. 21 to 26 |
2. 27 to 32 |
3. 33 to 38 |
4. 39 to 44 |
5. 45 to 50 |
6. 51 to 56 |
7. 57 to 62 |
8. 63 to 70 |
9. No information |
PRE_sato2_preop_adm1_28 |
Arterial Oxygen Saturations |
1. 55 to 60% |
2. 61 to 64% |
3. 65 to 67% |
4. 70 to 73% |
5. 74 to 78% |
6. 79 to 82% |
7. 83 to 87% |
8. 88 to 92% |
9. 93 to 96% |
10. 97 to 100% |
11. No information |
PRE_Diagnostico_categoria1a12_29 |
Diagnosis Category |
1 = cardiomiopatia |
2 = cor triatriatum |
3 = DORV—double outlet right ventricle |
4 = electrophysiological |
5 = left heart lesions |
6 = miscellaneous, other |
7 = pulmonary venous anomalies |
8 = right heart lesions |
9 = septal defects |
10 = single ventricle |
11 = thoracic arteries and veins |
12 = transportation of the great arteries |
PRE_Truncus_30 |
Truncus Arteriosus |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_CMP_31 |
Cardiomypathy |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Partial Anomalous Drainage of the Pulmonary Veins |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Total Anomalous Drainage of the Pulmonary Veins |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Aneurisma_Ao_34 |
Aortic Aneurysm |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Doenca_ValvaAO_35 |
Aortic Valve Disease |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Doenca_ValvaMi_36 |
Mitral Valve Disease |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Doenca_ValvaTri_37 |
Tricuspide Valve Disease |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Janela_AO_Pulm_38 |
Aortopulmonary Window |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_PCA_39 |
Persistence of the Arterial Canal |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_CIA_40 |
Arterial Communication |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Atrioventricular Septal Defect |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_CIV_42 |
Interventricular Communication |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_CoAo_HipoArcoAO_43 |
Aortic Arch Coartation ans Hypoplasia |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Miscelania_44 |
Miscellaneous |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_CorTriatriatum_46 |
Cor Triatriatum |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Anomalia_Coronaria_47 |
Coronary anomaly |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Dual Right Ventricular Outflow Tract |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Left Heart Hypoplasia Syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_T4F_50 |
Tetralogy of Fallot |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
Expansion of the Right Ventricular Outflow Tract |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Interrupcao_ArcoAO_52 |
Aortic Arch Disruption |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Atresia_pulmonar_53 |
Pulmonary Atresia |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Doenca_ValvaPulm_54 |
Pulmonary Valvopathy |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_TGA_55 |
Transposition of the Great Arteries |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Ventriculo_unico_56 |
Single Ventricule |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Eletrofisiologia_57 |
Heart Rhythm Changes |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Tunel_VE_AO_58 |
Tunneling Left Ventricule Aorta |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Shone_59 |
Shone syndrome |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Anel_Vascular_60 |
Vascular Ring |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_grupo_diag_61 |
Diagnostic Group |
1 = Aortic Aneurysm |
2 = Aortic Valve Disease |
3 = AP Window |
4 = ASD |
5 = AV Canal |
6 = Cardiomyopathy |
7 = Coarctation of Aorta and Aortic Archhypoplasia |
8 = Congenitally Correted TGA |
9 = Cor Triatriatum |
10 = Coronary Artery Anomalies |
11 = DORV |
12 = Electrophysiological |
13 = Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome |
14 = Interrupted Arch |
15 = LV to Aorta Tunnel |
16 = Miscellaneous |
17 = Mitral Valve Disease |
18 = Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection |
19 = Patent Ductus Arteriosus |
20 = Pulmonary Atresia |
21 = Pulmonary Valve Disease |
22 = RVOT Obstruction and/or Pulmonary Stenosis |
23 = Shone's Syndrome |
24 = Single Ventricle |
25 = Tetralogy of Fallot |
26 Total Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Connection |
27 = Transposition of the Great Arteries |
28 = Tricuspid Valve Disease and Ebstein Anormaly |
29 = Truncus Arteriosus |
30 = Vascular Rings and Slings |
31 = VSD |
PRE_proc_previos_2Sim_1Nao_63 |
Patient Undergoing Previus Procedures |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_proc_previos_01_64 |
Number of Previous Procedures |
1 to 85 |
PRE_Ressuc_PCR_Pre_Adm1_65 |
Pre-operative ressuscitated Cardiac Arrest Patient |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Arritmia_pre_Adm1_66 |
Pre-operative Arrhythmia |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Inotropicos_pre_Adm1_67 |
Inotropic Use in the Pre-operative Period |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Vent_mec_Pre_Adm1_68 |
Pre-operative Mechanical Ventilation |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Traqueo_pre_Adm1_69 |
Pre-operative Tracheostomy |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Hipotiroidismo_pre_Adm1_70 |
Pre-operative Hypothyroidism |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Diabetes_Pre_Adm1_71 |
Pre-operative Diabetes |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Endocardite_pre_Adm1_72 |
Pre-operative Diagnosis of Endocarditis |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Sepsis_pre_Adm1_73 |
Sepsis in the Pre-operative |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Convulsao_pre_Adm1_74 |
Pre-operative Seizure |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Alt_Neuro_pre_adm1_75 |
Neurological Changes in the Pre-operative |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
PRE_Disf_renal_pre_Adm1_76 |
Pre-operative Renal Dysfunction |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_Hipert_Pulm_pre_Adm1_77 |
Pre-operative Pulmonary Hypertension |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_Gastro_pre_Adm1_79 |
Pre-operative Gastrostomy |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_ECMO_VAD_pre_80 |
Pre-opeative ECMO Need |
1 = No |
2 = Yes |
3 = No information |
PRE_UTI_Previa_2sim_1nao_adm1_81 |
Previous ICU Admission |
1 = não |
2 = sim |
PRE_peso_kg_adm1_82 |
Patient Weight on the Surgery Date |
1 = from 1.7 to 13.1 Kg |
2 = from 13.2 to 24.6 Kg |
3 = from 24.7 to 36.1 Kg |
4 = from 36.2 to 47.6 Kg |
5 = from 47.7 to 59.1 Kg |
6 = from 59.2 to 70.6 Kg |
7 = de 70.7 to 82.1 Kg |
8 = from 82.2 to 93.6 Kg |
9 = de 93.7 to 105.1 Kg |
10 = over 105.1 Kg |
PRE_estat_cm_adm1_83 |
Patient Height on the Surgery Date |
1 = up to 51 cm |
2 = from 52 to 66 cm |
3 = from 67 to 82 cm |
4 = from 83 to 97 cm |
5 = from 98 to 112 cm |
6 = from 113 to 128 cm |
7 = from 129 to 143 cm |
8 = from 144 to 159 cm |
9 = from 160 to 174 cm |
10 = above 175 cm |
PRE_IMC_adm1_84 |
Body Mass Index on the Surgery Date |
1 = from 6.3 to 9.6 |
2 = from 9.7 to 13.0 |
3 = from 13.1 to 16.4 |
4 = from 16.5 to 19.8 |
5 = from 1.9 to 23.2 |
6—from 23.3 to 26.6 |
7 = from 26.7 to 30.0 |
8 = from 30.1 to 33.4 |
9 = from 33.5 to 36.8 |
10 = from 36.9 to 39.1 |
PRE_SC_adm1_85 |
Body Surface on the Surgery Date |
1 = from 0.2 to 0.4 m2
2 = from 0.5 to 0.7 m2
3 = from 0.8 to 1.0 m2
4 = from 1.1 to 1.3 m2
5 = from 1.4 to 1.6 m2
6 = from 1.7 to 1.9 m2
7 = from 2.0 to 2.3 m2
8 = over 2.3 m2
PRE_IDADE_CIRURGIA_dias_adm1_90 |
Age on the Surgery Date |
1 = from 0 to 2,432 days |
2 = from 2,433 to 4,864 days |
3 = from 4,864 to 7,295 days |
4 = from 7,296 to 9,727 days |
5 = from 9,728 to 12,159 days |
6 = from 12,160 to 14,590 days |
7 = from 14,591 to 17,022 days |
8 = from 17,023 to 19,454 days |
9 = from 19,455 to 21,885 days |
10 = from 21,886 to 24,316 days |
Death |
1 = Hospital discharge |
2 = Hospital death |