Fig. 1. Crystal structure and element-resolved XMCD measurement.
(A) Atomic structure of FGT. (B) High-resolution cross-section scanning TEM image (left) and the corresponding electron diffraction patterns of (001)-oriented (top right) and (110)-oriented (bottom right) FGT. There is no evidence of inversion symmetry breaking in the bulk FGT crystal. Element-resolved XMCD measurements from (C) the Co absorption edge and (E) the Fe absorption edge, respectively. a.u., arbitrary units. Both (D) the Co and (F) the Fe hysteresis loops show an out-of-plane easy magnetization axis from Co/Pd multilayers and FGT vdW material. The inset in (D) is the schematic drawing for the hysteresis loop measurement, where θ is the angle between the x-ray incidence direction and the sample surface.