Feeding response to highly palatable foods. A: 24-h energy intake of sedentary (SED) and exercised (EX) male and female Wistar rats prior (PRE) to the start of the highly palatable food exposure and averaged across the 4-day test (TEST). All groups, regardless of sex or exercise, overconsumed when presented with the highly palatable foods. Total intake on the day of the palatable food test differed depending on sex and activity: exercising males consumed less than sedentary males. B: energy intake of isocaloric sucrose and lipid solutions in sedentary, exercised, or rested male and female Wistar rats. Exercised male and female rats consumed more on the days they were rested than they did on the days they exercised. P < 0.05, ‡main effect of the test, ^main effect of sex, +main effect of activity, #sex by activity interaction, §post hoc simple effect.