Figure 2.
Tension recordings of CM strips of human sigmoid colon. (A) NE 1 μmol/L activated SPCs and NE 10 μmol/L inhibited them (a) regardless of the presence of TTX 1 μmol/L (b). Propranolol 1 μmol/L (Pro) enhanced the elevation of tone by NE but reduced the increments of amplitude of contractions by NE (c). Prazosin (Praz) 1 μmol/L blocked responses of muscle strips to NE (d). (B) Summary of 4 parameters, AUC, amplitudes, tone, and frequency of SPCs for 10 minutes after applying NE 1 μmol/L and 10 μmol/L is shown by ratio to controls for 10 minutes before applying NE in the same recordings. Black asterisks (∗) indicate statistically significant differences between the values connected by black lines, and white asterisks indicate statistically significant differences of the values against controls. The numbers of asterisks indicate the following: ∗.05 > P ≥ .01; ∗∗.01 > P ≥ .001; ∗∗∗.001 > P ≥ .0001; ∗∗∗∗.0001 > P.