Dependence on DNA surface density of the equilibrium and kinetic parameters for hybridization. (a) Fraction of freely accessible probes ϕ∗ as a function of target surface density s∞ at saturation for all four experiments and all probe types. Kinetic rate for association (b) and dissociation (c) obtained for different probe types. The dashed lines represent fits to the data with the same color: constant values (c, red and blue) or exponential decays (all the curves of b and black curve in c). (d) Dissociation equilibrium constant for different probe types. The dashed lines are linear fits shown to guide the eye. In (b)–(d), the data points are average values of four experiments, and the vertical error bars are the standard deviations. Horizontal error bars are relative errors estimated from mutliple RPI experiments with the same spotting concentrations of probes. In all panels, the colors refer to different probe types, as indicated in (a). To see this figure in color, go online.