The CYCA3pro:CYCA3-GUS Constructs in the ccs52a2-1 Background.
(A) to (E) Representative seedlings of the wild type (WT) (A), ccs52a2-1
(B), and ccs52a2-1 with CYCA3;1pro:CYCA3;1-GUS
(C), CYCA3;2pro:CYCA3;2-GUS
(D), or CYCA3;4pro:CYCA3;4-GUS
(E) at 9 DAS. Scale bars represent 5 mm.
(F) to (K) Histochemical GUS staining at 5 DAS of wild type (WT; [F], [H], and [J]) and ccs52a2-1 knockout ([G], [I], and [K]) root tips with either CYCA3;1pro:CYCA3;1-GUS ([F] and [G]), CYCA3;2pro:CYCA3;2-GUS ([H] and [I]), or CYCA3;4pro:CYCA3;4-GUS ([J] and [K]) constructs in their background. Roots were stained for 2 h. Pictures were taken at the same magnification. Scale bars represent 50 µm.
(L) Primary root length of the respective CYCA3pro:CYCA3-GUS lines in the wild-type (WT) and ccs52a2-1 background from 3 to 9 DAS. Bars represent estimated marginal means, and bar heights were subdivided according to the measured daily growth. Error bars represent se (n ≥ 23), and letters indicate statistically different means for each genotype, as calculated for the total root length at 9 DAS (P < 0.05, ANOVA mixed model analysis, Tukey correction for multiple testing). See also Supplemental Data Set 4.