MtCRA2 Partially Regulates Rhizobial Infections Locally in the Root.
Early infection events are shown for R108/R108, R108/cra2C, and R108/ein2C plants transformed with CRISPR/Cas9 pHSN401-EV, pHSN401-MtCRA2, or pHSN401-MtEIN2 and inoculated with an Sm1021 strain carrying a ProHemA:LACZ fusion. The 2-week-old composite plants were transferred to Fåhraeus medium (N−, with 1.5% agar) with or without 1 μM MtCEP1 peptides for 4 d and then inoculated with rhizobia resuspended in sterile water with or without 1 μM MtCEP1 peptides. Representative images of infection threads (A) and the quantification of the infection threads at 4 DAI (B) are shown. In (C), values show the fold change of the infection thread number of the MtCEP1-treated plants relative to those of untreated controls. The data are means ± sd of three independent experiments, and significant differences were determined with a Kruskal-Wallis statistical test, indicated by letters (P < 0.05, n = 30; Supplemental Data Set 3).