Fig. 6.
Colocalization of IL-33–expressing cells with Olig2-expressing oligodendrocytes. (A–C) Double staining for MBP and IL-33 in spinal cord sections of five animals with EAE and treated with anacardic acid (2.5 mg/kg) or five animals treated with DMSO. DMSO treated (A), anacardic acid treated (B), and quantitation of IL-33 staining cells within the demyelinated regions (C). Note the increased expression of IL-33–positive cells in the demyelinated regions in mice treated with anacardic acid. Arrows show the region of demyelination in the lateral column of the spinal cord. Axial sections of spinal cord stained with anti-IL-33 antibody (D), and sections stained with anti-Olig2 antibody (E). (F) Merged section showing the colocalization of IL-33 with Olig2. Most of the cells expressing Olig2 also express IL-33.