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. 2020 Aug;11(4):747–759. doi: 10.21037/jgo-20-59

Table 1. Subgroups analysis of OR and DC achievement in R + PGLD group.

Characteristics OR DCR
Yes (n=48) No (n=26) P value Yes (n=66) No (n=8) P value
Age, years 51.0±11.7 52.0±10.4 0.707 50.8±11.0 55.8±12.4 0.313
Gender 0.760 1.000
   Female 8 5 11 2
   Male 40 21 55 6
HBsAg 0.195 0.339
   Positive 38 24 54 8
   Negative 10 2 12 0
Cirrhosis 0.760 0.624
   Yes 40 21 55 6
   No 8 5 11 2
Child-Pugh grade 0.705 1.000
   A 42 24 59 7
   B 6 2 7 1
Portal vein invasion <0.001 0.021
   Yes 20 8 28 0
   No 28 18 38 8
Hepatic vein invasion 0.003 0.096
   Yes 19 2 21 0
   No 29 24 45 8
Largest tumor size <0.001 0.714
   <5 cm 3 14 34 5
   ≥5 cm 45 12 32 3
Tumor number 1.000 0.185
   <2 25 14 17 0
   ≥2 23 12 49 8
ECOG 0.431 0.688
   0–1 32 20 47 5
   2 16 6 19 3
BCLC stage <0.001 0.004
   A 0 6 6 0
   B 19 14 25 8
   C 29 6 35 0
AFP 0.804 1.000
   <20 ng/mL 18 11 26 3
   ≥20 ng/mL 30 15 40 5
WBC, 109/L 5.7±2.3 6.1±2.5 0.475 5.8±2.4 6.2±2.0 0.620
PLT, 109/L 132.8±48.6 155.1±56.7 0.097 141.8±54.0 131.4±37.1 0.496
ALB, g/L 44.4±4.8 44±5.1 0.744 44.4±4.9 43.8±4.4 0.722
TBIL, µmol/L 16.7±6.6 14.8±6.9 0.054 15.3±6.3 17.1±7.4 0.545
ALT, U/L 48.9±30.2 47.0±26.9 0.787 47.9±29.0 51.1±30.3 0.782
AST, U/L 49.4±27.4 47.0±26.9 0.125 47.3±27.1 37.1±12.7 0.087

OR, objective response; DC, disease control; R + PGLD, raltitrexed plus polyethylene glycol liposomal doxorubicin; HBsAg, hepatitis B virus surface antigen; ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; BCLC, Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer; AFP, alpha fetoprotein; WBC, white blood cell; PLT, platelet; ALB, albumin; TBIL, total bilirubin; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase.