Fig. 2.
Analysis of non-synonymous changes and their correlation with viral load in acute patients. a The average non-synonymous variation in codon frequency at every amino acid site of each EBOV protein. b Comparison of the non-synonymous nucleotide substitution frequency in the L protein at positions 572, 986 and 2061, and the P values were calculated with a one-sided Wilcoxon rank sum test. c A two-sided Spearman rank correlation test was used to estimate the correlation of average non-synonymous deviation in viral genomes with viral load (1/Ct) at positions 572, 986 and 2061 in patients who were either hospitalised fatal versus hospitalised survived cases, where the R value is the correlation coefficient ranging in − 1 (strong negative correlation) and 1 (strong positive correlation), and P is P value for this test