Ventral views of skull in the Alizarin‐stained 'early' (A) and 'late' (B) thiourea‐treated newts. (A) Stage 54, 157 days post‐fertilization (dpf), snout–vent length (SVL) 56 mm: palatine portion of the palatopterygoid and vomer (in its caudal region) bear multi‐row dentitions, toothless vomerine plate is missing. Note the occurrence of non‐ankylosed teeth near the rudimentary maxilla (left side). (B) Stage 54, 358 dpf, SVL 71 mm): vomerine dentition is one‐row, palatine teeth are missing, the palatine portion of the palatopterygoid bears resorption pits in sites of lost teeth. Note the occurrence of fragmented parasphenoid. T, teeth; for other abbreviation definitions see Figures 1 and 2. Scale bars are 1 mm.