Fig. 2.
Dendrogram of average nucleotide identity (ANI) values. The ANI value of each strain was calculated, and a dendrogram was constructed using the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic means. Escherichia coli K-12 (NZ_CP014272) was used as an outgroup. Strains of Paenibacillus were as follows: Paenibacillus agaridevorans (NZ_BDQX01000000), P. catalpae (NZ_FOMT01000000), P. curdlanolyticus (NZ_AEDD01000000), P. glycanilyticus (NZ_BILY01000000), P. gorillae (NZ_CBVJ010000000), P. nanensis (NZ_QXQA01000000), P. popilliae (NZ_BALG01000000), P. prosopidis (NZ_QPJD01000000), P. timonensis (NZ_WNZY01000000), and P. xylaniclasticus (NZ_BIML01000000).