Figure 1. Transcriptome and metabolomics analysis of brown fat shows increased carbohydrate metabolism and glycolytic metabolism during cold exposure.
(a) Network visualization of enriched biological pathways altered with cold exposure in BAT (N = 5). (b) GSEA pathway analysis of differentially expressing genes (FDR < 0.05) in BAT at 4°C versus room temperature (N = 5). (c) Heat map of relative normalized changes in BAT (c) and serum (e) metabolites at 30°C, 23°C, and 4°C. Dendograms illustrate hierarchical clustering of pattern similarity across metabolites (left) and conditions (top). Each column represents average within the group (N = 5 per group). Data was sum normalized, log transformed, and autoscaled. (d) MSEA pathway analysis of metabolites in BAT (d) and serum (f) from mice at 4°C versus room temperature (N = 5).