(a) U-13C palmitate-tracing experiments in Mpc1F/F cells expressing CRE-ERT2. Cells were treated with ethanol or 4-hydroxy tamoxifen, with/without 100 nM CL-316,243 for 5 hours (N = 6). (b) Oxygen consumption rate in differentiated brown adipocytes treated with/without 100 nM CL-316,243 ± vehicle, 10 µM UK5099, 10 µM Etomoxir, or both (N = 10–12). (c) Oxygen consumption in mitochondria isolated from BAT of Mpc1F/F and Mpc1F/F::Ucp1Cre mice with 5 mM pyruvate and 0.5 mM malate or 5 mM L-Carnitine (N = 4). (d) Oxygen consumption in mitochondria isolated from BAT of Mpc1F/F and Mpc1F/F::Ucp1Cre mice with 1 mM ADP, 2 mM ascorbate and 0.5 mM TMPD (N = 4).