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. 2020 Aug 12;93:100598. doi: 10.1016/j.curtheres.2020.100598

Table 2.

Maternal related characteristics distribution of rural school-aged children in Mecha, northwest Ethiopia, 2018 (n = 396).

Antenatal care follow-up Yes 346 87.4
No 50 12.6
Tetanus toxoid immunization status Completed 249 62.9
Incomplete 108 27.3
Not vaccinated 39 9.8
Additional feeding during pregnancy Yes 260 65.7
No 136 34.3
Place of delivery Health facility 333 84.1
Home 63 15.9
History of breastfeeding Yes 390 98.5
No 6 1.5
Exclusive breastfeeding Yes 280 70.7
No 116 29.3
Children immunization status Completed 262 66.2
Not completed 111 28.0
Not vaccinated 23 5.8
Vitamin A supplementation Yes 216 54.5
Not completed 150 37.9
No 30 7.6
Ever used of family planning methods Yes 300 75.8
No 96 24.2
Is the child in school Yes 330 83.3
No 66 16.7
Level/grade of education 1-2 152 45.8
≥3 180 54.2
Is child engaged in work Yes 116 29.3
No 280 70.7
If engaged in work for how many hours 1-3 53 45.7
>3 63 54.3
How can your child get feeding if he engages in work for more than 3 h Yes 69 59.0
No 48 41.0
Does the child have history of illness Yes 302 76.3
No 94 23.7
Type of illness Pneumonia 85 28.1
Diarrhea 139 46.0
Measles 17 5.6
Malaria 22 7.3
Others/specify 39 12.9
Does the child have diarrheal morbidity in the past 1 y Yes 166 41.9
No 230 58.1
Does the child have diarrheal morbidity in the last 2 wk Yes 28 7.1
No 368 92.9
What type feeding does child get during illnesses Regular family dish 161 40.8
Additional feeding 234 59.2
Does the child eat breakfast regularly Yes 374 94.4
No 22 5.6
Frequency of eating per day ≥4 279 70.5
1–3 117 29.5
Access to child nutrition education Yes 288 72.7
No 108 27.3
Water shortage for cooking Yes 59 14.9
No 337 85.1
Type of water used for cooking Pipe 298 75.3
Dam water river/follow 98 24.7
Boiling water for serving a child Yes 18 4.5
No 378 95.5
Do you regularly keep your child hygiene Yes 332 83.8
No/pipe 64 16.2
Regular handwashing Yes 229 57.8
No 167 42.2
Nail cutting Yes 265 66.9
Only mine 102 25.8
No 29 7.3
Type of salt used for cooking Iodized 229 57.8
Normal/dish salt 167 42.2
Type cooking fuel Wood 345 87.1
Petroleum gas 10 2.5
Electricity 41 10.4
Type of toilet Modern latrine 162 40.9
Temporary toilet/open 234 59.1

346 is frequency and 87.4 is percent.