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. 2020 Aug 25;11:933. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.00933

Table 1.

Healthy subject's fMRI activation/deactivation results after taVNS compared to sham (or to baseline) following anatomical order; brainstem, subcortical areas, and cortical areas.

Studies Kraus et al. (79) Dietrich et al. (81) Kraus et al. (80) Frangos et al. (82) Yakunina et al. (83) Badran et al. (84) Sclocco et al. (85) Sclocco et al. (86)
Objective of the study Feasibility Feasibility Compare
stim sites
to sham
stim sites
to sham
Brainstem evaluation Compare
Number of subjects 8 4 8/8 12 37 17 16 30
Age (mean ± SD) years Range
30.0 ± 2.7 Range
32.6 ± 13.8 30.9 ± 8.2 25.8 ± 7.6 27.0 ± 6.6 29.0 ± 9.8
Gender (ratio F:M) 6:2 0:4 U 9:3 19:18 8:9 9:7 17:13
Design Parallel Crossover Parallel Crossover Crossover Crossover Crossover Crossover
Blinding Single None Single Single Single Single Single Single
Devices TENS EMP2 Custom TENS EMP2 NEMOS® Custom Custom Custom Custom
Stimulation site Inner tragus L Inner tragus
Inner tragus
Cymba conchae
Cymba conchae
Cymba conchae
Cymba conchae
Sham location Lobe
Cymba conchae L
(no current)
Baseline No stim Resting-state Resting-state Resting-state Resting-state Resting-state
Frequency (Hz) 8 25 8 25 25 25 25 2, 10, 25, 100
Pulse width (μs) 20 250 20 250 500 500 450 300
Intensity (mA) Low: 4 ± 1.0
High: 5 ± 1.0
4.0–8.0 4.0–5.0
under pain threshold
0.3–0.8 0.2–1.8 0.1
under pain threshold
0.1–5.1 200% sensation threshold 1.6 ± 2.4 4–5 on a 0–10 pain scale Vary with fq
2: 7.2 ± 1.0
10: 6.5 ± 1.3
25: 5.9 ± 1.2
100: 5.6 ± 1.2
Duration 2 min off

30 s on−60 s off
X 4
100 s off - 50 s on
X 4

100 s off
2 min off

30 s on−1 min off
X 4
2 min off –
7 min on−11 min off
30 s on−60 s off
X 4
30 s off

60 s on−60 s off
X 2

60 s on−30 s off
Match the breathing cycle for a
total of 8 min
Match the breathing cycle for a
total of 8.5 min
fMRI technique 1.5 T 1.5 T 1.5 T 3.0 T
head coil
3.0 T
head coil
3.0 T
32-Channel head coil
7.0 T
32-Channel and birdcage transmit coil
3.0 T
64-Channel head/neck coil
Brainstem areas
Spinal trigeminal nucleus bilat nd* ipsi ipsi
Nucleus of the tractus solitarius ipsi bilat nd* ipsi ipsi
Locus coeruleus ipsi bilat bilat nd* cont cont (2 Hz)
bilat (100 Hz)
Raphe nuclei bilat nd* cont bilat (2,100)
Subcortical areas
Thalamus (↑c) ipsi > cont nd bilat bilat nd
Caudate (nd) nd ?(↑c) bilat cont
Nucleus accumbens (nd) cont cont (↑b) nd
Putamen (nd) nd ?(↑c) nd (nd) nd
Amygdala (↓ b) nd cont nd (↓b) nd
Hippocam-pus (↓ i) nd bilat nd (↓b) nd
Parahippocampus (↓ b) nd ipsi (↓i) bilat nd (↓b) nd
Insula (↑ b) ipsi ipsi (↑i) bilat nd (↓i) nd (↑b)
Hypotha-lamus (nd) nd bilat nd (nd) nd
Cerebellum (nd) cont bilat bilat bilat (↑i)
Cortical areas
mPFC (↓b) ipsi bilat (↑b) nd (↓b) ipsi
Orbitofron-tal cortex (nd) nd cont nd
Frontal cortex
(↑i) nd (↓c) nd (↑b)
ACC (↑c) nd nd (↑c) bilat nd (↓b) cont
Pre-central gyrus (↑b) nd nd (↓b) nd
Post-central gyrus bilat bilat nd (↓b) nd (↑c)
Paracentral lobule (↓b) bilat nd
PCC/precuneus (↓b) ipsi nd (↓i) bilat nd (↓b) nd
Parietal cortex (nd) nd nd (↑c) nd (nd) nd
Temporal middle (↓b) nd (↓b) nd
Occipital lobe (nd) nd nd (↓i>c) nd

ACC, anterior cingulate cortex; Bilat/b, bilateral; Cont/c, contralateral to the stimulated ear; fq, frequency; Ipsi/i, ipsilateral to the stimulated ear; L, left; mPFC, medial prefrontal cortex; min, minutes; nd, not detected; PCC, posterior cingulate cortex; s, seconds; stim, stimulation; ?, unknown; ↑, activation; ↓, deactivation; (), results between parentheses are taVNS vs baseline; results out of parentheses are taVNS vs sham; –, not analyzed; *, lack of results in the brainstem results may be biased due to the methodological approach used (not accurate for the brainstem).