Extended Data Fig. 1: Age and BMI cohort distributions and Select Medications distributions.
a, b, Aggregated ages (a) and BMIs (b) were collected for patients with moderate, severe, and fatal COVID-19 and relative frequency histograms generated for comparison across disease sub-groups. Gaussian and lognormal distributions were fit through least squares regression and compared for goodness of fit through differential Akaike information criterion (AICc) comparison. All distributions were best described by a Gaussian model except for age in the ‛severe’ disease category, which was best modelled by a lognormal distribution. c, Proportion of patients admitted to YNHH receiving hydroxycholorquine (HCQ), tocilizumab (Toci), methylprednisolone (Solu-medrol), and remdesivir (Rem) are shown, stratified by disease severity. d, Medication and age adjustments for IL-6 and T cell count.