Fig 2. Information loss in dynamic signal encoding and gene expression.
A. Mutual information as a function of parameter variability that exists in the encoded in NFkB dynamics (cyan), and noiseless (dark orange) and noisy (light orange) information transmission of NFkB dynamics into simple gene expression model. Values are the mean of 1000 samples. B and C distribution of mutual information values in noiseless (B) and noisy (C) information transmission of NFkB dynamics into a simple gene expression model. The distribution comes from the inference of mutual information after sampling different model parameters. In each case, 1000 parameter values are sampled from a log-normal distribution centered around reference values with a CV of 25%. The mutual information achieved after optimization of the parameter values of the gene expression model, the mean of panel B MI = 1.5, is shown as a red dashed line in panel C. D. Optimization of parameter values using heuristic simulated annealing show convergence of mutual information values. The red line shows the average and shading the standard deviation from 4 repeated optimization runs.