Fig 5. Model predictions and observations of Escherichia coli acclimation to growth on glucose.
Top panel—Modeled and experimental abundances of the glucose transporter PtsG across steady-state concentrations of glucose (log scale). Contours indicate the corresponding uptake rates. The vertical green dashed line represents the critical substrate concentration S*. nmax is above the plotted range. Bottom panel—Modeled and experimental uptake rates over an interval of glucose concentrations. The uptake rate profile for a glucose-replete batch acclimated culture is shown in cyan. Uptake rates for all acclimated phenotypes over the concentration range are shown in red, with model predictions shown as a continuous line and experimentally derived values from published data [15] shown as markers. For guidance, the maximum diffusive flux is shown as a dashed blue line, S* is shown as a vertical dashed green line, and is indicated by the horizontal dashed orange line.