(a) Predicted fluxes of serine. Flux variability of metabolic reactions, which produce or consume serine, as predicted by flux variability analysis (FVA). Positive and negative fluxes correspond to serine production and consumption, respectively. Fluxes are represented in mmol per gram dry weight per hour. (b) Predicted net flux of serine producing reactions at varying serine uptake rates. Variability of net flux through Shm1, Shm2 and Ser2 at varying serine uptake rates, as predicted by FVA. Positive and negative fluxes correspond to serine production and consumption, respectively. Fluxes and serine uptake rates are represented in mmol per gram dry weight per hour. (c) Cellular serine and glycine concentrations. Prototroph WT and gnp1Δ cells were grown in synthetic medium without amino acids and with and without serine. Serine and glycine concentrations from whole cell lysates were analyzed by mass spectrometry. Error bars represent standard deviations. n = 3. *, P-value <0.05, calculated from t-test. Differences between data that are not labelled with a star are not significant.