(A) PRCs for negative synaptic stimulus when PCs fire at 95 Hz (blue) and 106 Hz (purple) driven by OU process with basal values of synaptic conductance. Reduced PRC at 106 Hz was achieved by 50% of basal synaptic conductance (black). (B) The power spectrum of spike trains with the cellular rate of 95 Hz (blue, basal conductance), 106 Hz (purple, basal conductance) and 113 Hz (black, 50% of basal conductance, firing rate increased to 113 Hz due to the reduced inhibition, with other conditions the same as 106 Hz with basal conductance). In all cases, the CV of ISI is 0.45. The power spectrum at high firing rates gets flatter with lower amplitude when the PRC amplitude is reduced (black trace). (C) The CCGs of spike trains with the same condition as in B. Central and side peaks reduce at high firing rates when the phase response is smaller.