Fig. 3. In vitro restimulation of sorted P14 cells of acutely or chronically infected mice.
CD45.1+ P14-Nr4a1-GFP cells were adoptively transferred into CD45.2+ mice 1 day prior infection with a high (2 × 106 ffu for chronic (C) infection) or low (200 ffu to induce an acute (A) infection) dose of LCMV clone 13. Three weeks post infection, P14 cells were sorted from the spleen and stimulated in vitro for 6 h with plate-bound antibodies. Various markers were quantified (bar plots represent average of medians ± SD) and a representative histogram per group (n = 3 mice) is shown for cells that responded (CD107a+), denoted by plus signs, and cells that did not (CD107a−), denoted by minus signs. Asterisk (*) represents p-value = 0.05 (Mann–Whitney one-tailed-test without adjustment for multiple comparisons). Each dot represents an individual mouse. One of two experiments is shown. See also Supplementary Fig. 2. Source data are provided as a Source Data File.