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. 2020 Aug 26;11:2025. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.02025


Internal consistency of the modified Alarm Distress Baby Scale in 597 Nepalese infants.

n GLBa Between-item correlationsb
1 2 3 4 5
Items Total score Facial expression Eye contact General level of activity Vocalization Relationship
Total score 597 0.46
1. Facial expression 0.56 (<0.001)
2. Eye contact 0.26 (<0.001) 0.10 (0.018)
3. General level of activity 0.20 (<0.001) 0.01 (0.824) 0.04 (0.392)
4. Vocalization 0.82 (<0.001) 0.15 (<0.001) -0.01 (0.793) 0.06 (0.172)
5. Relationship 0.27 (<0.001) 0.15 (<0.001) 0.14 (<0.001) 0.21 (<0.001) 0.13 (0.001)

aGreatest lower bound for reliability coefficient. bSpearman ρ.