Figure 5.
GmPHR1 and GmPHR4 proteins enrich P1BS cis-element-containing fragments in the promoters of GmPHT1 in hairy roots. ChIP-qPCR investigation demonstrates that both GmPHR1 (right graphs) and GmPHR4 (left graphs) enrich fragment 3 in the GmPHT1;1 promoter (A), fragments 2 and 3 in the GmPHT1;11 promoter (B), and fragment 2 in the GmPHT1;4 promoter (C) in vivo, regardless of the presence or absence of Pi in the medium, and GmPHR1 has higher affinity than GmPHR4 or GmPHT1;1. The positions of the fragments on the genomic genes are labeled as in Figure 3A. All statistical data show means ± sd from at least three biological replicates. Statistical analysis was performed using Student’s t test (*P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01).