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[Preprint]. 2020 Sep 2:2020.08.29.20182899. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2020.08.29.20182899

Figure 3:

Figure 3:

Co-expression network analysis identifies modules of genes dysregulated in MIS-C.

A: Module GO term enrichments. The x-axis is the most significant GO term associated with each module, the y-axis is the −log10(adjusted p-value) for the enrichment. Bars are colored by module names, which are also specified for clarity. Only modules with an enrichment p-value < 1 are shown. The threshold for significance threshold, −log10(0.05), is indicated by the red dashed line. In bold lettering are the modules enriched for the MIS-C signature. B: Module cell type signature enrichments. The x-axis and y-axis are the names of the modules and of the cell type signatures, respectively. All signatures shown here are derived from the LM22 reference (Newman et al, Nature Methods, 2015). The color and size of the circles represents the log2(odds ratio) of the enrichments as defined in the legend. In bold are the modules enriched for the MIS-C signature. C: Modules enrichment for MIS-C signatures. The x-axis is the module names and the y-axis the odds ratio of the enrichment of the modules for the genes upregulated and downregulated in MIS-C. Only modules significantly enriched for MIS-C DEGs are shown. The color of the bars represent direction and the opacity represent the significance as defined in the legend. All module enrichments can be found in Data S2.