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[Preprint]. 2020 Sep 2:2020.08.29.20182899. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2020.08.29.20182899

Figure 5:

Figure 5:

Further dissection of skyblue implicates cytotoxic lymphocyte subtypes in MIS-C.

A: Defining NK cell and CD8+ T-cell subtypes in skyblue. The x-axis represents the OR for the enrichment of skyblue for specific cytotoxic cell subtypes and the y-axis the signatures used. Cell one and cell two refer to the cell subtypes being compared to generate the DE signatures projected onto skyblue and the direction of the bar is shown towards the upregulated cell type in the comparison. The color and height of bars represent the OR of the enrichment test as defined by the x-axis and the legends. For NK cells, we used signatures from Yang, et al, Nature Communications, 2019 (labeled NK cells), and from Collins et al, Cell, 2019 (labeled CD56dim NK subtypes). For CD8+ T-cells, we used signatures from Wherry, et al, Immunity, 2007 (labeled CD8+ T-cells), and from Beltra et al, Immunity, 2020 (labeled CD8+ Tex subtypes). Detailed descriptions of the subtypes can be found in the Supplementary Note. B,C,D,E: Skyblue key drivers measures. These panels share their x-axis that represents the key driver genes. B: Key driver analysis results. The y-axis of this panel is the −log10(adjusted P-value) of key driver analysis. The red dashed line is the significance threshold at −log10(0.05). C: Related disease differential expression. In this panel, the y-axis is the disease name corresponding to Figure 4. The color represents the direction in the comparison as defined in the legend. D: Cell-type specific expression of key driver genes. The y-axis is the cell type signatures from the following references: 1= Newman et al, Nature Methods, 2015; 2= Park, et al, Science, 2020; 3=Wilk, et al, Nature Medicine, 2020; 4= Lial, et al, Nature Medicine, 2020; and 6= Szabo, Nature Communications, 2019. E: CD8+ T-cell and NK cell subtypes specific signatures. The y-axis is the cell-type name corresponding to Figure 5A and the color represents the direction in the comparison as defined in the legend.