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. 2020 Jul 28;219(9):e202006005. doi: 10.1083/jcb.202006005

Table 2. Conserved features in SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV interactomes.

HEK293 (Gordon et al., 2020) A549 (Stukalov et al., 2020)
Secretory pathway components SARS-CoV-2 SARS-CoV SARS-CoV-2
ACSL3 nsp7 - -
ALG11 nsp4 orf7b orf7b
ALG5 orf3a orf7b orf7b
ALG8 orf9c orf7b orf7b
CDK5RAP2 nsp13 - -
CHPF orf8 - -
CHPF2 orf8 - -
CLCC1 orf3a orf3a orf3
COLGALT1 nsp1 - -
CYB5R3 nsp7 - -
EDEM3 orf8 - -
ERC1 nsp13 - -
ERGIC1 nsp10 - -
ERLEC1 orf8 orf8 orf8
ERMP1 orf9c orf7b orf7b
ERO1B orf8 - -
ERp44 orf8 - -
FKBP10 orf8 - -
FKBP7 orf8 - -
FOXRED2 orf8 - -
GCC1 nsp13 - -
GCC2 nsp13 - -
GGCX nsp13 - -
GIGYF2 nsp2 - -
GOLGA2 nsp13 - -
GOLGA3 nsp13 - -
GOLGB1 nsp13 orf7b orf7b
GORASP1 nsp13 - -
GPAA1 orf9c nsp6 nsp6
HMOX1 orf3a - -
HS2ST1 nsp7 - -
HYOU1 orf8 - -
LMAN2 nsp7 orf7b orf7b
MOGS nsp7 - -
NDFIP2 orf9c orf3a orf3
NPC2 orf8 - -
NUP210 nsp4 - -
OS9 orf8 orf8 orf8
PCSK6 orf8 - -
PDE4DIP nsp13 N N
PIGO orf9c orf7b orf7b
PIGS orf9c nsp6 nsp6
PLD3 orf8 orf7b orf7b
PLEKHF2 orf8 - -
PMPCA M orf8b -
POFUT1 orf8 - -
POGLUT2 orf8 - -
POGLUT3 orf8 - -
POR nsp2 - -
PTGES2 nsp7 - -
RAB10 nsp7 - -
RAB14 nsp7 orfa orf3
RAB1A nsp7 orf3a orf3
RAB2A nsp7 orf3a orf3
RAB8A nsp7 orf3a orf3
RAP1GDS1 nsp2 nsp2 nsp2
REEP5 M orf8 orf7b
REEP6 M - -
RETREG3 orf9c orf7b orf7b
RNF41 nsp15 - -
RTN4 M - M
SCAP orf9c orf7b orf7b
SDF2 orf8 orf8 -
SELENOS nsp7 orf7b orf7b
SIGMAR1 nsp6 - -
SIL1 orf8 - -
SLC27A2 nsp2 - -
SLC30A6 orf9c - -
SLC30A7 M - -
SLC30A9 M - -
SRP72 nsp8 - -
TAPT1 orf9c orf7b orf7b
TM2D3 orf8 - -
TMED5 orf9c - -
TMEM97/SIGMAR2 orf9c orf3a orf3
TOR1A orf8 - orf3
TRIM59 orf3a orf7b orf7b
UBXN8 orf9c - -
UGGT2 orf8 orf8 orf8
WFS1 orf9c nsp6 nsp6
YIF1A M - -

Proteins listed in Table 1 were matched with human protein–protein interactions obtained in A549 cells expressing SARS-CoV or SARS-CoV-2 proteins (Stukalov et al., 2020). The comparison highlights cell type– and virus-specific differences within an overall similarity of the interactome.