Figure 3.
CdaA-GFP is spatially polarized in dividing cells. Confocal images of cells expressing CdaA-GFP stained with the anti-GFP (red), anti-centrin (green) antibodies and DAPI (blue). (A and A′) A field with multiple cells. Note that only the dividing cell has CdaA-GFP streaks. (B and B′) A cell in the early stage of cell division. The CdaA-GFP streaks of variable intensity are apparent throughout the posterior cell half. (C and C′) A cell in the intermediate stage of oral primordium differentiation. (D–E′) Two sides of the same cell in the early stage of cortical subdivision. (F–G′) Two sides of the same cell in an advanced stage of cortical subdivision. (H and H′) Early cytokinesis. (I and I′) Late cytokinesis. cs, cortical subdivision; ma, macronucleus; mi, micronucleus; noa, new oral apparatus (oral primordium); oa, oral apparatus.