A SGIRT mouse model for conditional inactivation and restoration of Mecp2. A, ES targeting strategy. Exon 3 of Mecp2 encoding part of the methyl-CpG-binding domain was flanked by four pairs of recombinase recognition sites: lox2272, LoxN, Frt, and F5. One round of Cre- or Flp-mediated recombination inverts this exon (Mecp2IVC or Mecp2IVF), while two rounds of recombination restore its orientation (Mecp2R). B, Southern blot confirmation of correctly targeted ES clone, which was used to generate Mecp2CF/Y mice. A, Short black bar represents Southern probe. C, Genomic PCR confirmation of successful recombinations and changes of exon 3 orientation in different alleles. The positions of three primer pairs are shown in A. D, RT-PCR with primers encompassing exon 3 confirmed the exclusion of exon 3 in mRNA extracted from Mecp2IVC/Y (shorter band) and the inclusion of exon 3 in mRNAs extracted from Mecp2WT/Y, Mecp2CF/Y, and Mecp2R/Y brains (longer bands). E, Western blot confirmation of normal MeCP2 protein expression in Mecp2CF/Y, loss of its expression in Mecp2IVC/Y, and restoration of expression in Mecp2R/Y. F, Indistinguishable body and brain weights between Mecp2WT/Y, Mecp2CF/Y, and Mecp2R. n = 7. G, Representative photographs of brains taken from 8-week-old adult mice of the four genotypes showing comparable sizes of Mecp2WT/Y, Mecp2CF/Y, and Mecp2R/Y, and reduced size in Mecp2IVC/Y. The weights of these brains are (left to right) as follows: 413, 423, 351, and 417 mg. Scale bar, 500 μm. Data are mean ± SEM. Dots, squares, and triangles represent data from individual mice. n.s., Not significant at p > 0.05. For more statistical details, see Table 2.