PV-specific Mecp2 restoration mediated by PVCreER. A, Schematic view of experiment design. In the corn oil administration (+Veh) group, Mecp2 remained inactivated in PV+ cells in Mecp2CF/Y::PVFlp/CreER; whereas in the Tam induction group (+Tam), Mecp2 expression was restored by active CreER. B, C, Better restoration of MeCP2 immunostaining in PV+ cells in Cor, Hip, and Str in Mecp2CF/Y::PVFlp/CreER::Ai65 with increasing number of Tam injections. B, Representative images. Open arrowheads indicate PV+ cells without MeCP2. Filled arrowheads indicate PV+ cells with MeCP2. Scale bar, 50 μm. C, Quantifications. D, E, Rescue of rotarod performance in the +Tam group and deterioration of performance in the +Veh group. Tam was administrated earlier in D at 8 weeks (n = 10 for +Veh; n = 9 for +Tam) and later in E at 16 weeks (n = 10 for +Veh; n = 17 for +Tam). F, Prevention of HC by Mecp2 restoration. White arrowhead indicates clasping hindlimb. Data are mean ± SEM. Triangles and squares represent data from individual mice. n.s., Not significant at p > 0.05, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. For more statistical details, see Table 2.