Annotated genes in the AgamP4 genome within autosomal QTL with functions related to mating, reproduction, and sperm motility and morphogenesis.
QTL | Gene name | Panther gene ontology family/subfamily | Protein description | Protein description source |
2R-A | AGAP001229 | DYNEIN LIGHT CHAIN TCTEX-TYPE (PTHR21255:SF4) | Tctex-1 (t-complex testis expressed-1) is a dynein light chain. Dynein translocates rhodopsin-bearing vesicles along microtubules. In mice, the chromosomal location and pattern of expression of Tctex-1 make it a candidate for involvement in male sterility. | |
2R-A | AGAP001227 | GAMMA-TUBULIN COMPLEX COMPONENT 5 (PTHR19302:SF33) | The microtubule organizing centers (MTOCs) of eukaryotic cells are the sites of nucleation of microtubules, and are known as the centrosome in animal cells and the spindle pole body in yeast. Gamma-tubulin, which is 30% identical to alpha and beta tubulins that form microtubules, appears to be a key protein involved in nucleation of microtubules. | |
2R-A | AGAP001194 | MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED PROTEIN FUTSCH (PTHR13843:SF12) | futsch (futsch) encodes a microtubule binding protein involved in the formation of synaptic buttons at the neuromuscular junctions. Its expression levels are regulated by the product of TBPH to prevent synaptic defects. | |
2R-A | AGAP001219 | TUBULIN-LIKE PROTEIN ALPHA-4B-RELATED (PTHR11588:SF239) | Microtubules are polymers of tubulin, a dimer of two 55 kDa subunits, designated alpha and beta. Within the microtubule lattice, alpha-beta heterodimers associate in a head-to-tail fashion, giving rise to microtubule polarity. Fluorescent labeling studies have suggested that tubulin is oriented in microtubules with beta-tubulin toward the plus end. | |
2L | AGAP004767 | TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR KEN (PTHR45993:SF7) | Mutations in the ken and barbie locus are accompanied by the malformation of terminalia in adult Drosophila. Male and female genitalia often remain inside the body, and the same portions of genitalia and analia are missing in a fraction of homozygous flies. Rotated and/or duplicated terminalia are also observed. Terminalia phenotypes are enhanced by mutations in the gap gene tailless, the homeobox gene caudal, and the decapentaplegic gene that encodes a TGFbeta-like morphogen. The ken and barbie gene encodes a protein with three CCHH-type zinc finger motifs that are conserved in several transcription factors such as Krüppel and BCL-6. | |
2L | AGAP004724 | INTRAFLAGELLAR TRANSPORT PROTEIN 74 HOMOLOG (PTHR31432:SF0) | Intraflagellar transport of ciliary precursors such as tubulin from the cytoplasm to the ciliary tip is required for ciliogenesis. Intraflagellar transport protein 74 (IFT74) is a component of the intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex B, which contains at least 20 different protein subunits. Together with IFT81, it forms a tubulin-binding module that specifically mediates transport of tubulin within the cilium. | |
2L | AGAP004817 | PROTEIN LINGERER (PTHR16308:SF13) | lingerer (lig) encodes a putative RNA binding protein that forms a complex with the products of orb and orb2. Loss of lig results in defects in copulation and short-term memory in Drosophila. | |
2L | AGAP004782 | TUBULIN-SPECIFIC CHAPERONE D (PTHR12658:SF0) | The tubulin heterodimer consists of one alpha- and one beta-tubulin polypeptide. Tubulin-specific chaperones are essential for bring the alpha- and beta-tubulin subunits together into a tightly associated heterodimer. | |
3L-A | AGAP010790 | CYTOPLASMIC DYNEIN 2 HEAVY CHAIN 1 (PTHR10676:SF352) | Cytoplasmic dynein 2 heavy chain 1 (DYNC2H1) is a subunit of the cytoplasmic dynein complex 2. It may function as a motor for intraflagellar retrograde transport. It also plays a role in cilia biogenesis. | |
3L-B | AGAP011361 | CHECKPOINT PROTEIN (PTHR12900:SF0) | Hus1-like (Hus1-like) encodes a protein that together with proteins encoded by Rad1 and Rad9 form the 9-1-1 checkpoint protein complex. This complex plays a central role in the DNA damage-induced checkpoint response. Involved in G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle, meiotic and mitotic nuclear division. | |
Gene names in bold indicate those interacting in a regulatory network associated with sperm microtubule morphogenesis and function. STRING network analysis output can be found in Supplementary File 1: Deitz_et_al_2020_String_protein_interaction_network.xlsx.