Table 2.
Description of employment.
Variable | Mean (SD) or n (%) |
Unemployed | 149 (53.99%) |
Homemaker | 7 (4.70%) |
Student | 4 (2.68%) |
Retired | 4 (2.68%) |
Job preparatory program/Job Club | 18 (12.08%) |
In between jobs | 7 (4.70%) |
Unemployed | 109 (73.15%) |
Employed | 127 (46.01%) |
Supported employment/Job Club | 14 (11.02%) |
Employed by family | 5 (3.94%) |
Competitive employment | 108 (85.04%) |
Type of occupation | |
Senior manager | 1 (0.79%) |
Professionals | 4 (3.15%) |
Associate professionals | 30 (23.62%) |
Clerical support workers | 15 (11.81%) |
Service and sales workers | 38 (29.92%) |
Craftsmen and related workers | 2 (1.57%) |
Plant and machine operators and assemblers | 3 (2.36%) |
Cleaners and laborers | 34 (26.77%) |
Duration of work in the latest type of occupation (year) | 5.16 (6.09) |
Part-time employment | 62 (48.82%) |
No. of hours worked per week | 33.64 (17.49) |
Part-timers | 18.82 (9.52) |
Full-timers | 47.77 (10.03) |
Monthly salary (SGD) | 1221.28 (1038.89) |
20 percentile | 450.00 |
50 percentile | 1000.00 |
Monthly salary: Full-time (SGD) | 1805.28 (1074.46) |
20 percentile | 1000.00 |
50 percentile | 1550.00 |
Monthly salary: Part-time (SGD) | 577.89 (460.04) |
20 percentile | 215.00 |
50 percentile | 490.00 |