Developmental stages of Z. angusticollis embryos and the descriptive statistics for morphometric and total protein content data. ‘E1’ = stage 1 embryos, younger than 7 days and filled with ‘vitellogenic bubbles’. ‘I’ = example of an intermediate stage with both vitellogenic bubbles and initial tissue condensation (opaque whitish tissue on the left side of the embryo). ‘I’ embryos were not used in these experiments. Their volume and protein content are not available (NA). ‘E2’ = stage 2 embryos, opaque tissue with no vitellogenic bubbles. ‘E3’ = stage 3 embryos, fully formed termite with segmentation and defined body parts visible through chorion. SE, standard error; IQR, interquartile range. Statistics and p-values are shown for Shapiro–Wilk tests of normality. The contrast and brightness of these images were manipulated to display the specific traits on which our embryonic staging was based.