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. 2020 Sep 10;19:100942. doi: 10.1016/j.jth.2020.100942

Table 4.

Results of the cumulative link mixed model.

Threshold Coefficients
Category Estimate S.D. Z-value
Between property damage only and possible injury −1.29 0.10 −12.42
Between possible injury and evident injury 2.52 0.11 23.61
Between evident injury and severe injury 4.67 0.11 42.17
Between severe injury and fatal 6.26 0.13 49.09
Independent Variables Coefficients
Category Variable Estimate P-value
Fixed Effects
Human Factors
Demographic Profiles Driver 2.65*** 0.00
Driver age −0.01*** 0.00
Driver sex 0.56*** 0.00
Occupant age 0.01*** 0.00
Occupant sex −0.22*** 0.00
The number of injured occupants 0.16*** 0.00
Behavioral Factors Alcohol use 1.07*** 0.00
Driver safety equipment use −0.27*** 0.00
Improper driving 0.10. 0.05
Unsafe speed −0.10 0.35
Occupant safety equipment use −0.54*** 0.00
Natural and Road Environment Factors
Temporal Factors Summer 0.19*** 0.00
Weekday 0.06 0.13
Nighttime 0.17*** 0.00
Environmental Factors Bad weather −0.0008 0.99
Dark/No streetlight 0.34*** 0.00
Slippery road surfaces −0.16* 0.05
Location Characteristics Intersection −0.12* 0.01
Ramp 0.34*** 0.00
Collision Characteristics
Collision Characteristics Head on 0.06 0.47
Side swipe −0.63*** 0.00
Rear end −0.61*** 0.00
Vehicle Characteristics
Vehicle Characteristics Years of vehicle usage 0.02*** 0.00
Vehicle size −0.43*** 0.00
Interaction Effects
Vehicle size: Unsafe speed 0.12** 0.001
Random Effects
Groups Variable Variance S.D. Intra-class Correlation
Driver sex: Driver age Intercept 0.04 0.20
Improper driving 0.06 0.25 −0.70
Unsafe speed 0.08 0.29 −0.82 0.71
Alcohol use 0.10 0.32 −0.49 0.52 0.43
Log-likelihood = −18,933.60 AIC = 37,945.20 n = 21,258

Significance codes: ‘***’ 0.001; ‘**’ 0.01; ‘*’ 0.05; ‘.’ 0.1