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. 2020 Aug 26;3(2):e19269. doi: 10.2196/19269

Table 1.

Study characteristics.

Classification and authors (year) [Reference] Target condition, population/outcome Name Modality Additional support N (Intervention) Age, % Female
Tracking and Assessment

Bakshi et al (2017) [18] SCDa/Pain symptoms management tracking Not applicable SMS text message, Web EMAb PRNc (A)d 20 12-22, 75

Jacob et al (2012) [19] SCD/Pain symptoms management tracking Wireless Pain Intervention Program Mobile Web Page PRN (A) 67 10-17, 54

Odgers and Russell (2017) [20] At-risk, low SESe/violence exposure + behavioral health miLife Mobile EMA No 151 11-15, 48

DiClemente et al (2014) [21] African American teen girls/Safe sex behaviors HORIZONS Phone callf Yes 701 (342) 14-20, 100

Leonard et al (2018) [22] Homeless moms/Emotion regulation Calm Mom Appf Yes + A 49 13-21, 100

Nollen et al (2014) [23] Low SES, minority Girls/Obesity-related behaviors NRg Appf No 51 (26) 9-14, 100

Perry et al (2017) [24] Low SES, minority teens/Asthma NR Appf No (A) 34 (17) 14-16, 38

Reid et al (2011) [25] Rural primary care/emotional self-awareness, mood, anxiety mobiletype App, EMAf PRN 114 (68) 14-24, 72

Rokicki and Fink (2017) [26] At-risk teen girls/Safe sex behavior knowledge NR SMS text messagef No (A) 498 (205) 14-24, 100

Schatz et al (2015) [27] SCD/Pain coping NR App, phone call Yes 46 (23) 8-21, 59

Seid et al (2011) [28] Low SES, minority teens/Asthma NR SMS text messagef Yes + A 26 (14) 12-18, 69

Smith et al (2014) [29] Low SES teen boys/Obesity-related behaviors ATLAS Appf Yes 361 (181) 12-14, 0

Thompson et al (2016) [30] Minority teens/Obesity-related behaviors NR SMS text messagef Yes + A 160 (120) 14-17, 52

Ybarra et al (2017) [31] Sexual minority teen boys/Safe Sex behavior, HIV prevention Guy2Guy SMS text messagef Yes + A 320 (150) 14-18, 0

aSCD: sickle cell disease.

bEMA: ecological momentary assessment.

cPRN: as needed.

dA: automated support.

eSES: socioeconomic status.

fExplicitly detailed use of population-specific tailored messaging or design practices.

gNR: not reported.