MSC treatment reduces the quantity of GFAP+ cells but increases the number of IGF-1+/GFAP+ cells in the infarct. (a–d) In the sham group, a few GFAP+ cells could be found in the brain cortex. (e–h) In the infarct area of the ischemia control group, the number of GFAP+ and IGF-1+ cells both increased. (i–l) In the infarct area, MSC treatment decreased GFAP+ cell quantity but increased the number of cells double positive for GFAP and IGF-1. (a, e, and i) GFAP staining. (b, f, and j) IGF-1. (c, g, and k) DAPI nuclear staining. (d, h, and l) Double-stained GFAP+/IGF-1+ cells. (m, n) (squares in (h, l) The amplified view of GFAP+/IGF-1+ cells. (o) After MSC transplantation, the quantity of GFAP+/IGF-1+ double-positive cells and the percentages among all IGF-1+ or GFAP+ cells increased. Scale bar, 50 μm.