a, b, Western blot analysis and quantifications of the
effects of IRGM KD on pTFEB (S211) levels in cells treated with pp242. Data,
means ± SEM of normalized intensities (n=3 biologically independent
experiments) ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test. c–e,
western blots analysis of the effects of IRGM on mTOR substrates pS6K and
pULK1. Data, means ± SEM of normalized intensities (n=3 biologically
independent experiments) paired t-test. f, HCM image analysis
of co-localization between mTOR and LAMP2. Scale bar 10 μm.
g,h, HCM analysis of the effects of IRGM KD on LAMP2 puncta.
Data, means ± SEM; (n=3 biologically independent experiments) paired
t-test. Scale bar 10 μm. i, HCM analysis of the effect
of IRGM expression on cells expressing RagBQ99L and parental 293T cells on
nuclear translocation of TFEB, (n=3 biologically independent experiments).
Scale bar 10 μm. j, confocal microscopy analysis of
co-localization between GFP-IRGM and endogenous PPP3CB in HeLa cells (n=3
biologically independent experiments). Scale bar 5 μm.
k,l, HCM analysis of the effect of starvation on
colocalization between GFP-IRGM and PPP3CB. Data, means ± SEM (n=3
biologically independent experiments) paired t-test. Scale bar 10 μm.
m, western blot showing PPP3CB KD in HeLa cells (n=3
biologically independent experiments). n, schematics of LysoIP
technique. o, LysoIP to detect indicated proteins on lysosomes
(n=3 biologically independent experiments). p, western blot
analysis of the effects of IRGM expression on NFAT mobility shift (n=3
biologically independent experiments). q, Co-IP analysis of
GFP-LC3B and GFP-GABARAP with FLAG-TFEB in 293T cells. r, GST
pull-down analysis of TFEB with WT or LDS mutant of GABARAP. s,
HCM images in WT or HexaKO cells (n=3 biologically independent
experiments). Scale bar 10 μm. Uncropped blots for panels a, c, o, p,
q and r are provided in Unprocessed Blots Data Extended Fig. 3 and numerical
source data for panels b, d, e, g and l are provided in Statistical Source Data Extended Fig.