a,b, HCM analysis of the effects of miR196B (shown to
downregulate CD protective IRGM variant) and miR20 (control) transfection on
TFEB nuclear localization in 293T cells (c.313C). HCM (n=3 biologically
independent experiments); >500 primary objects examined per well;
minimum number of wells, 9). Masks; white: algorithm-defined cell
boundaries; blue: computer-identified nucleus; yellow outline:
computer-identified colocalization between TFEB and Hoechst-33342 nuclear
stain). Images, a detail from a large database of machine-collected and
computer-processed images. Data, means ± SEM; (n=3 biologically
independent experiments) ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test. Scale bar 10
μm. c, HCM image analysis of the effects of IRGM KD on
AIEC LF82 influenced nuclear translocation of TFEB. K12 was used as control,
(n=3 biologically independent experiments). Scale bar 10 μm.
d,e, HC microscopy and quantifications to analyze the
effect of HIV infection on TFEB localization in HeLa cells transfected with
scramble siRNA or IRGM siRNA. HC microscopy (n=3 biologically independent
experiments; >500 primary objects examined per well; minimum number
of wells, 12). Masks; white: algorithm-defined cell boundaries; blue:
computer-identified nucleus; yellow outline: computer-identified
colocalization between TFEB and Hoechst-33342 nuclear stain). Images, a
detail from a large database of machine-collected and computer-processed
images. Data, means ± SEM; (n=3 biologically independent experiments)
ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc test. Scale bar 10 μm. f,
The model summarizes the effects of IRGM, Stx17 and mAtg8s/GABARAPs on mTOR
inhibition and calcineurin (CN) activation promoting nuclear translocation
of TFEB. L, lysosome. Numerical source data for panels a and d are provided
in Statistical Source
Data Extended Fig. 7.