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. 2020 Feb 10;16(8):1772–1781. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1706931

Table 2.

Variation in the composition of the population across seasonal influenza campaigns (2014/2015–2016/2017) and estimation of the number of the vaccinated vs. not vaccinated in two consecutive campaigns. In the first row, percentages refer to the number of subjects common to the consecutive vaccination campaigns. In the second row, are reported, for VACCINATED: number of subjects vaccinated in two consecutive campaigns/number of subjects vaccinated in the first one, and respective percentage; for NOT VACCINATED: number of subjects not vaccinated in two consecutive campaigns/number of subjects not vaccinated in the first one, and respective percentage.

  Seasonal influenza campaign
(n = 232173)
(n = 236146)
(n = 240065)
Present in the campaign 221395 (95.3%) 225330 (95.4%) 229073 (95.4%)
Deceased the following year 9094 (3.9%) 8734 (3.7%) 9312 (3.9%)
Non recorded in HPA Brescia in the following campaign 1684 (0.8%) 2082 (0.9%) 1680 (0.7%)
VACCINATED in 2 consecutive campaigns
NOT VACCINATED in 2 consecutive campaigns
64042/84405 (75.9%)
124173/136990 (90.6%)
64300/79542 (80.8%)
126645/149380 (84.8%)
73067/85862 (85.1%)
121937/143211 (85.1%)