Levels of Soil Sediment Contaminants Before and After Hurricane Katrina: New Orleans, LA; September 29, 2005
Compound Concentration | 1999–2001a | September 2005b | February 2006c | February 2006d | 2013–2017a | Safe Levelse | Clean-Up Levelsf |
Arsenic mg/kg soil | NR | 4.73 (1.19–34.20) | 10.60–11.80 | 45.50–78.00 | < 0.39 | < 0.39 | < 12.00 |
Lead mg/kg soil | 99.00 | 290.90 (20.90–1090.00) | 93.50–108.30 | 613.00–1160.04 | 54.00 | < 100 | 400 |
Diesel mg/kg soil | NR | NR | 524.1–956.8 | 7590–17 400 | NR | 65 | 650 |
B(a)P µg/kg soil | NR | NR | 975.5–1359.6 | 2870–17 700 | NR | 100 | 330 |
EU/m2 soilg | NR | NR | indoors: 23.3; outdoors: 10.5 | NR | NR | 1.0 | 1.0 |
β-d-glucanh µg/m3 soilg | NR | NR | 4.4 | NR | NR | 0.3 | 1.0 |
Note. B(a)P = benzo(a)pyrene; EU = bacterial endotoxin units; NR = not reported.
From Mielke et al.9
From Presley et al.8
From Roper et al.6
From Solomon and Rotkin-Ellman.7
According to the Environmental Protection Agency.
According to the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality.
From the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.10
β-d-glucan is a mold biomarker.