A) Representative EPSCs obtained at −60 or +40mV in normal ACSF (black) or in the presence of 10μM L689 (gray). Shaded areas are analyzed in B. Scale bars, 10ms, 20pA throughout.
B) Effect of L689 on EPSCs recorded at −60 or +40mV at peak amplitude (10-15ms after stimulation) or at 50-60ms when only NMDAR currents are observed. N=3.
C) Whole-cell LTD recordings from two independent pathways in 10μM L689 in uninfected CA1 neurons; one pathway (filled symbols) received a 15-min 1-Hz low frequency stimulus (LFS), where indicated. The control pathway (open circles) received no stimulus. (Inset) Representative responses obtained before and after LFS. Error bars represent SEM, N=13. *p<0.05, paired t-test.
D) As in C) but in neurons expressing NLS-mCherry + PSD-95. LFS produces no depression. N=13.
E) PSD-95 overexpression blocks LFS-induced LTD in the presence of L689. Individual data points for each neuron are superimposed; N=13. *p< 0.05, unpaired t-test.