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. 2020 Mar 10;41(3):404–412. doi: 10.1038/s41372-020-0647-8

Table 2.

Bivariate associations of NICU characteristics with quality, Baby-MONITOR scores, in California 2008–2011 (N = 119 NICUs).

Characteristics All Baby-MONITOR score (tertile based on distribution of NICU) P value (Chi-square test or ANOVA test)
Tertile 1 (lowest quality) Tertile 2 Tertile 3 (highest quality)
N or mean % or SD N (39) or mean % or SD N (40) or mean % or SD N (40) or mean % or SD
NICU patient population characteristicsa
 Maternal racial/ethnic composition
   % NH White (mean, SD) 26% 15 20% 11 26% 14 32% 16 <0.01
   % NH Black (mean, SD) 14% 11 16% 11 13% 11 12% 10 0.36
   % Hispanic (mean, SD) 48% 17 53% 13 48% 18 44% 19 0.03
   % Asian/Pacific Islander (mean, SD) 10% 9 8% 8 12% 12 10% 5 0.40
Maternal education composition
  % <High school (mean, SD) 24% 14 29% 13 21% 13 22% 13 0.04
  % High school graduate (mean, SD) 26% 9 29% 8 26% 11 24% 8 0.86
  % Some college and associate degree (mean, SD) 24% 8 24% 8 23% 9 26% 6 0.74
  % Bachelor’s degree and above (mean, SD) 21% 15 14% 9 24% 18 23% 14 0.02
 % of infants cared for at nearest NICU to maternal address 38% 29 37% 28 37% 30 41% 31 0.75
NICU catchment area characteristicsa,b
  Tertile 1 of composite nSES score (lowest SES) 39 32.8% 21 53.9% 10 25.0% 8 20.0%
  Tertile 2 of composite nSES score 40 33.6% 12 30.8% 15 37.5% 13 32.5%
  Tertile 3 of composite nSES score (highest SES) 39 32.8% 6 15.4% 14 35.0% 19 47.5% 0.01
  Total population (mean, SD) 47889 5945 4772 6423 4836 669 4758 468 0.83
  Population density (mean, SD) 3628 2056 3891 2233 3948 2332 3061 1423 0.10
  % NH White (mean, SD) 34% 15 30% 14 30% 15 41% 15 <0.01
  % NH Black (mean, SD) 7% 6 9% 7 6% 5 6% 4 0.03
  % Hispanic (mean, SD) 44% 16 48% 13 48% 17 37% 14 <0.01
  % Asian/Pacific Islander (mean, SD) 12% 8 11% 6 14% 10 13% 8 0.28
  % Foreign born (mean, SD) 30% 9 30% 9 33% 9 27% 8 0.02
  % Crowding (mean, SD) 12% 6 13% 6 12% 6 9% 5 0.01
  % Traveled to work by car/motorcycle (mean, SD) 85% 7 85% 6 85% 8 86% 5 0.83
  % Traveled to work by public transport (mean, SD) 5% 5 6% 5 6% 6 5% 4 0.46
  % Traveled to work by walk/bike (mean, SD) 1% 1 1% 0 1% 0 2% 1 0.34
  % Work at home (mean, SD) 4% 1 4% 1 4% 1 5% 1 0.08
  % Traveled 60+ min to work (mean, SD) 3% 1 3% 1 3% 2 3% 1 0.32
  Street connectivity/gamma (mean, SD) 0.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.08
  Traffic density (mean, SD) 100448 50218 100582 54776 108853 53303 92121 41618 0.34
  Parks per 1000 population (mean, SD) 0.7 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.8 0.4 0.05
  Total businesses per 1000 population (mean, SD) 160 408 223 674 112 98 145 200 0.47
  Recreational facilities per 1000 population (mean, SD) 3.9 9.7 5.4 15.6 2.5 3.3 3.8 5.3 0.43
  Restaurant Environment Index (REI) (mean, SD) 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.23
  Retail Food Environment Index (RFEI) (mean, SD) 1.3 0.3 1.3 0.3 1.2 0.3 1.3 0.3 0.93

aThe following variables did not have statistically significant distributions that varied by NICU quality tertiles: Hospital characteristics (Neonatologist available 24 h per day; type of hospital ownership; teaching hospital; AAP level of care; number of NICU beds; number of NICU admissions; registered nursing hours per patient day; number of licensed NICU beds; number of available NICU beds; number of staffed NICU beds), NICU patient characteristics (maternal racial/ethnic composition—% NH Black, % NH API; maternal education composition—% high school graduate, % some college/associate degree), catchment area characteristics (total population, population density, % API, % commute by car/motorcycle, public transportation, walk/bike, % work at home, traffic density, parks per 1000 population, total businesses, recreational facilities and food environment).

bAverage of tract-level measures within each catchment area.

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