Male mice (10 weeks old) were 24 h food deprived prior to receiving treatment and euthanized on 2 or 4 days after treatment. Representative tissues are from mice euthanized on day 4. Vehicle tissue is on the left (A, C, E) and raspberry ketone (B, D, F) is on the right. A & B: epididymal adipose tissue, C & D: spleen, E & F: thymus. Tissue from vehicle-treated mice were scored as a 0 (No noteworthy pathology). Representative raspberry ketone-treated mice epididymal fat (B) was score as 3 (Moderate pathology), spleen (D) was scored as a 2 (Mild pathology), and thymus was scored as 4 (Marked pathology). Black bars on each figure represents 250 μm. There were no observable histopathological changes in other organs systems and tissue in raspberry ketone-treated compared with vehicle-treated mice.